Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Help - Ticket #13082
changing patron mid-adventure
Is your issue a bug? Please use the new Public Bug Tracker to up-vote an existing issue or report a new one.
If your issue is preventing you from playing please continue to use a Support Ticket for the play issue and report any bugs via the tool separately.

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2019-08-29 13:07:34
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Support wrote...
Hi QuickMythril,

Thanks for the heads up on the display issue we will take a look. Sorry you got swept up in the mass resopnse.


2019-08-29 12:13:28
You wrote...
i realize that you have received a large number of tickets regarding problems with the patron system, but this is a different issue.
2019-08-29 10:05:00
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Support wrote...

We apologize for the rough launch of the Patron System. We know it's frustrating when things don't work like they're supposed to.

We noticed a bug with Patrons not staying unlocked shortly after launch and fixed it (thanks to those of you who submitted tickets or mentioned it on our social) but unfortunately that fix was incomplete. The combination of the bug and the incomplete fix caused you to potentially lose your active and purchased patrons as well as any perks you'd purchased.

We have as of 9:00 am PDT this morning fixed these issues, if you close and reload your game. Additionally, based on your play history we have restored your account to the most recent active patron selected and any unlocked patrons.

Your patron perks were not restored but your influence should have been restored so you will be able to repurchase those. Also if you unlocked the patrons 2 or more times your purchase costs were not reimbursed, please re-open if this is the case and we can reimburse.

If you are still experiencing issues with your unlocked patrons or are still missing items, please respond to this ticket to reopen it.

2019-08-28 17:18:26
You wrote...
by starting a variant with one patron selected, then going to View Map and pressing RT, you can select another patron (or no patron). this will cause the Adventure tab (and LT info overlay) to display the incorrect goal/rewards information. it also causes the completion message to pop up. i was able to trigger a base completion message at area 100, one for mirt at 250, and the other patron at 275 on one run. it is just visual however, i tested by completing after 275 and still got the rewards for 250 (mirt).
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