Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Help - Ticket #14016
Stoki / Krond / Gromma Gold Chest contents
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2019-10-16 14:59:27
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Support wrote...
Hi QuickMythril,

Thank you for the ticket, and sorry for the delay in responding. We are hoping to do a review of the contents of all Champion-specific chests in the neat future at which point we'll bring all chests into parity.

- Justin

2019-09-26 23:59:27
You wrote...
Now that we've come full circle again, I noticed these 3 chests have still not been updated to match the contents of All Other event champ gold chests. Here are the current values:

Stoki / Krond/ Gromma: (chest_ids 4/6/8)

All Other Event Golds:

It seems like this was changed possibly to give more Bounties ("gold") for Event Chests, which makes sense. I don't see why these 3 would be an exception. Just figured I'd remind you of this in case you want to try and change it before this event ends and everyone opens their Golds.
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